
Henrietta Kodilinye-Sims

  |  BVetMed | Pg Dip Vet Epi & Public Health | GCLT | MRCVS
Henrietta Kodilinye-Sims

Day 1 – 17th September

Triaging pet poultry – practical advice about avian influenza
15:30 - 16:30

Henrietta is an experienced poultry veterinarian who focuses on improving the health and welfare of family poultry (pet and backyard). Her background as a hen owner, companion animal vet and commercial poultry vet provided the perfect experience for her roles as a practitioner and educator. Henrietta is the owner of Surrey Poultry Vet, co-owner of Happy Healthy Hens, visiting lecturer at the University of Surrey School of Veterinary Medicine, a commercial poultry consultant, Associate Editor (Poultry) for Veterinary Record, and a British Veterinary Poultry Association committee member.